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We have elaborated customized programs, linked to the European cultural heritage, realized through learning actions and wellness activities, for groups, associations, companies, private and public organizations, passionate and tourists. 


Why should you participate?

Because spending some days in Greece it means to have a spiritual journey too.

Because the amazing landscape, the human experience, the Mediterranean hospitality and the history of ancient and modern Greek culture is the occasion to live a unique cultural experience that goes over the traditional tourist routes.

Because our aim is to make you feeling citizen of each territory we visit, learning about its history, costumes and traditions, participating actively to experiential paths strictly related to ancient greek historical and artistic life.

Because the practical approach we propose is based on authentic relationship with each one of our member and participant.

All programs are held in English, Greek and Italian language.

Below you can read and download our programs.

Ancient Messene

Agòn historical path

The Agòn Path is a cultural program aimed as well to an adults audience, passionate and tourist who are interested to re-discover under a different light, different aspects, the ancient greek culture. The weekly event is organized from May until October. Here you can download a short description of the cultural project, learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content.

Program location: Olympia, Athens, Delphi, Argos, Nemea, Corinth.

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Ancient Greece - One day experience

The one day experience is a path which gives to everyone and especially to passionate and tourists the opportunity to re-discover the Ancient Greek culture through literary and artistic original actions strictly related to its history, costumes and traditions. The event is organized from May to October for groups, tourists and passionate.. Here you can download a short description of the program, learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content.

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Asclepius temple

Asclepius and Hippocrates Congress  

- Wellness activities

The Asclepius and Hippocrates Congress - Wellness path  is a cultural project aimed at audience aged between 20 and 65 years old and covers different targets such as: Doctors, Nutritionist, Pharmaceutical, Wellness, Nature life, Mental and Yoga coach, Psychologist, Docent, Teachers, Athletes, Tour operator, Hotels, Cultural Associations, Sport & wellness Companies and Passionate.

The program takes place on Kos island every year on September. 

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The Holistic Path is a cultural program aimed as well to an adults audience, passionate and tourist who are interested to re-discover under a different light, different aspects, the ancient greek culture.  the  The weekly event is organized from May until October. Here you can download a short description of the cultural project, learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content.

Program Location: Ephesus, Priene, Miletus, Didyma, Samos, Kos, Athens, Delphi, Epidaurus, Mycenae, Messene, Eleusis.

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