As our goal is to contribute to the cultural growth of the next generations, all our efforts are set to create sustainable projects, to promote the relationship and human progress through artistic-cultural exchanges, involving students of different schools, countries, building an international network for cooperations.
Why should you take part to our projects?
Because the European Festival of Ancient Greece is a unique innovative experience for all young students, they are protagonists of their own path, discovering, exploring and learning thanks to theoretical and practical initiatives.
The experiential approach that we propose, gives the opportunity to each student, to get inspired by our educational activities, to be more conscious about their talent, their favorite discipline and to develop concrete skills to orient oneself in the educational, artistic-creative sector.
Our paths are the occasion to meet other students of different schools and countries, to create new relationships, to build new forms of cooperation and cultural exchanges.
All programs are held in English, Greek and Italian language.
Below you can read and download our programs.
Agòn historical path

The Agòn Path is an educational program aimed at European school students, aged between 14 and 18 years old, of different fields of study, such as: classical, scientific, linguistic, artistic, humanistic, tourism, sports, dance, music, fashion. The event is organized every year on October, March/April. Here you can download a short description of the educational project to learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the topics..
Program location: Olympia, Athens, Delphi, Argos, Nemea, Corinth.
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The Labyrinth of the Mediterranean

The Labyrinth of the Mediterranean Path is an educational program aimed at European school students, aged between 14 and 18 years old, of different fields of study, such as: classical, scientific, linguistic, artistic, humanistic, tourism, sports, dance, music, fashion. Here you can download a short description of the educational project, to learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content. The program takes place on Crete island every year on April. Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Gortyna are the sites of the event.
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Ancient Greece - One day experience

The one day experience is a path which gives to everyone and especially to greek schools, passionate and tourists the opportunity to re-discover the Ancient Greek culture through literary and artistic original actions strictly related to its history, costumes and traditions. The event is organized from October to April for greek schools and from May to October for groups, tourists and passionate.. Here you can download a short description of the program, to learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content.
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Kosmos - Holistic path ​

The Kosmos Path is an educational program aimed at European high school students, aged between 14 and 18 years old, of different fields of study, such as: classical, scientific, linguistic, artistic, humanistic, dance, music. The event is organized every year on March or April.. Here you can download a short description of the educational project, to learn more about the sites of the route, the activities and the content.
Program Location: Ephesus, Priene, Miletus, Didyma, Samos, Kos.
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Connecting WOR(L)DS​

The Online short project (1/2 Days) is aimed at all European High school students. We have imagined to continue digitally to promote the history of the Ancient Greece, fostering the talent of each student through interactive artistic actions and building an online European schools network for cultural exchanges confrontation and to strengthen the European Identity. The event is organized from October to February.
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Community Sound project

This online project promotes the talent of the students with artistic skills who decide to participate and create together a Music/Theatre artwork. The students are guided by a Musical coach and they get at the end of the online path the opportunity thanks to their artwork to get scholarships. The event is organized from October to February.